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Corazon de Cacao

Corazon de Cacao stands for sustainable, ethically traded cocoa products that are created in close collaboration with local indigenous communities in Guatemala. We combine traditional production methods with social commitment and focus on transparency and quality to improve the livelihoods of cocoa farmers and preserve cultural diversity.


Together for a better World

Corazon de Cacao – More than just cocoa, a movement. We work directly with indigenous communities in Guatemala to bring about sustainable change and improve people's lives.

With us, every step is transparent, from the cocoa bean to the finished product. Be part of a fair future and help us create a real transformation.

 With every cocoa tree, we plant hope; with every bean, we nourish communities and support the preservation of the ancient Maya culture.

 Besonders stolz sind wir auf unsere Partnerschaft mit CacaoSouce Guatemala. Cacaosource teilt unsere Werte und wir arbeiten sehr eng zusammen. Aus diesem Grund vertreiben wir nur die Produkte von CacaoSource. (Teilweise aus unseren Bohnen hergestellt) Wir bewundern die Arbeit mit den Frauenkooperativen und vieles mehr. Mehr über CacaoSource findest du hier:

Learn more about our mission

Children, the most wonderful raw diamonds of the world

Children are the raw diamonds in this world. They embody the future of indigenous communities. Education, health, and sustainable agriculture are the foundation for long-term social and ecological developments.

Only together can we solve the fundamental problems.

Our joint actions will lead to success because they unite forces and ideas, tackle challenges more effectively, and enable sustainable, profound changes that no one can achieve alone.

Erfahre mehr​​​​

Radical transparency: Every person and every bean counts.

Wir glauben, dass echte Veränderungen nur durch Transparenz erreicht werden können. Bei Corazon de Cacao  kannst  du jeden Schritt unseres Kakaos nachverfolgen. Von der Ernte durch unsere Bauern bis zur Tafel, die du genießt – wir öffnen uns und unsere Türen und zeigen dir, was hinter den Kulissen passiert.

 Kein Bullshit. Keine falsches Versprechen.

Der Prozess der Kakaoherstellung vom Samen bis zum fertigen Produkt

Kakao Ernte 2024

Wir brauchen deine Unterstützung


Mehr erfahren

Our Work

Renaturing & Creation of Food Forests

The renaturation and creation of food forests promote biodiversity, improve soil quality, and provide a sustainable long-term solution to combat erosion and climate change. At the same time, food forests create valuable sources of income and food security for local communities by providing a variety of fruits, nuts, and other edible plants.

Ethical prices and trust as the basis for collaboration.

Economic trade promotes fair working conditions and just wages by directly supporting producers and building long-term, transparent relationships. Collaboration with local communities strengthens their economic independence and creates a trading model based on respect, trust, and mutual benefit.

Dental health for children in remote villages

Our dental projects improve oral health in rural communities by regularly providing mobile clinics and promoting education on proper oral hygiene. Through these measures, we help to reduce the progression of dental diseases and improve the quality of life for people in the long term.


In harmony and respect with nature, in the honest and loving connection to all people, and with the use of heart, hand, and mind, we want to bring light into the world. We want to be learners and teachers, role models and supporters.


We create a human, authentic, creative, communal, global and local market for a variety of products, with cocoa, community and learning at its heart. We enrich people's lives by sharing our experiences, our love and our knowledge. In doing so, we are an inspiration to better understand ourselves and the world, and to walk together the path of change and light.

Corazon de Cacao is much more than cocoa. Because everything we do has a profound impact on our lives and our planet.

We want to be a community, a large family that shares values, from the seeds to the farmers, the transport companies, our processes, our partnerships, and our customers.

Unsere Produkte 

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