Would you like to be part of a great movement?
Sign up and join us!

Are you a dentist?
Then you are in the right place. For the people here, every dentist is a gift from heaven.
The dentists who have been here before are always surprised at how poor dental health is in this area. There is always plenty to do for almost everyone, and especially for the children.
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Are you a craftsmen?
The people here are talented craftsmen and improvisers. However, they lack the training and knowledge that would make their work easier and improve the results. Are you the one who would like to provide support here?
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Are you a teacher?
If you want to share your experience as a teacher, you've come to the right place. We have over three years of experience with our living room school. Erika currently teaches around 20 children in the subjects of dental health, general hygiene, Spanish, maths and painting. And of course, playtime is not neglected. All the children look forward to the ‘gringos’.
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Are you "searching"?
(Voluntäre gesucht)
You don't know exactly what you want to do yet. Maybe you're considering a year of ‘travelling the world’. If you fancy a new experience, then get in touch with us.
We look forward to getting to know you.
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You are a chocolatier or pastry chef.
Then you've come to the right place. Haven't you always dreamed of passing on your knowledge to people who had fewer opportunities than you?
Do you enjoy immersing yourself in foreign cultures and flavouring your creations with the spices that grow here together with the cocoa plants?
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Ich möchte auch etwas tun und spenden.
If you are not or not yet in a position to make a contribution yourself, we would still appreciate your help. It can be very different. From monetary donations to selling our products in Europe or something we haven't even thought of yet. Just surprise us.